The product “UTP-kabel - 50cm, zwart, cat-6, GiGaBit” with vpn “ib8900” from the category “UTP cables - Cat 6 (gigabit)” and from the brand “Intronics” comes with 12 months warranty and is “not in stock” by KB Computer Services.
The price for a “UTP-kabel - 50cm, zwart, cat-6, GiGaBit” is € 2,95 incl. Sales Tax (€ 2,44 excl. Sales Tax).
Some additional charges could apply for shipping this product.
The order code for a “UTP-kabel - 50cm, zwart, cat-6, GiGaBit” is “#9112” . This product is added on 21 january 2016 on 13:01 and last updated on 10 feb 2023 on 11:37.
Descriptions 2
Unique Selling Points
• Volledig koperen AWG#24 geleiders en 50µ vergulde RJ-45 contacten.
• ACT specificaties zijn geverifieerd door onafhankelijk keuringsinstituut.
• Kabels zijn 100% getest.
• 5 jaar garantie.
Technische specificaties
Lengte: 0,50 m
Kabel: U/UTP CAT6
Aderdiameter: AWG#24
Ader materiaal: Volledig koper
Kleur: Zwart
Kleur nr.: RAL 9011
Mantel: PVC
Connectoren: RJ-45
Contacten: 50µ goud
Bandbreedte: 250 MHz
Brand: ACT
UTP-kabel - 50cm, zwart, cat-6, GiGaBit
Price and/or Specifications subject to change - Prices are including VAT
Information is provided as is.
KB Computer Services does not accept any responsibility for incorrect and/or incomplete information provided.