The product “Gigabyte Geforce video-kaart - gv-n1030d5-2gi, 2gb, pci-e, lp, dvi & hdmi” with vpn “gv-n1030d5-2gl” from the category “Video Cards - PCI-e (nvidia)” and from the brand “Giga-Byte” comes with 12 months warranty and is “not in stock” by KB Computer Services.
The price for a “Gigabyte Geforce video-kaart - gv-n1030d5-2gi, 2gb, pci-e, lp, dvi & hdmi” is € 109,75 incl. Sales Tax (€ 90,70 excl. Sales Tax).
This product is shipped FREE of charge.
The order code for a “Gigabyte Geforce video-kaart - gv-n1030d5-2gi, 2gb, pci-e, lp, dvi & hdmi” is “#10093” . This product is added on 11 march 2019 on 12:34 and last updated on 22 apr 2024 on 12:05.
Gigabyte Geforce video-kaart - gv-n1030d5-2gi, 2gb, pci-e, lp, dvi & hdmi