The product “Scythe Bay Rafter 2.5 HDD Mounting” with vpn “bay rafter 2.5 rev.b” and model number “13618” from the category “SSD 2.5" - Adaptors” comes with 24 months warranty and is “not in stock” by KB Computer Services.
The price for a “Scythe Bay Rafter 2.5 HDD Mounting” is € 6,95 incl. Sales Tax (€ 5,74 excl. Sales Tax).
Some additional charges could apply for shipping this product.
The order code for a “Scythe Bay Rafter 2.5 HDD Mounting” is “#9088” . This product is added on 29 december 2015 on 03:33 and last updated on 15 feb 2024 on 12:07.
Descriptions 2
Bay Rafter 2.5 allows the installation of a 2.5" HDD - SSD in a 3.5" bay and provides a fitting opportunity for a fan with 80,70 or 60mm size. By this, users can perfectly choose between high cooling power, low noise level or passive mode.
Modellname: Bay Rafter 2.5 Rev.B
Modellnummer: BayRafter2.5RevB
Gewicht: 42 g
Material: Kunststoff
Festplattenkompatibilität: 2 x 6,35 cm (2,5 Zoll)
Lüfterkompatibilität: 80 mm, 70 mm, 60 mm
Platzbedarf: 2x 8,89 cm (3,5 Zoll) Laufwerksschacht mit Lüfter, 1x 8,89 cm (3,5 Zoll) Laufwerksschacht ohne Lüfter
4x Schrauben zur Befestigung der Festplatte
8x Schrauben zur Befestigung des Bay Rafters im Laufwerksschacht
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