The product “Logitech Toetsenbord - k120, zwart, US indeling, zakelijk, oem” with vpn “920-002479” from the category “Keyboards” and from the brand “Logitech” comes with 24 months warranty and is “not in stock” by KB Computer Services.
The price for a “Logitech Toetsenbord - k120, zwart, US indeling, zakelijk, oem” is € 16,95 incl. Sales Tax (€ 14,01 excl. Sales Tax).
Some additional charges could apply for shipping this product.
The order code for a “Logitech Toetsenbord - k120, zwart, US indeling, zakelijk, oem” is “#9276” . This product is added on 24 may 2016 on 00:42 and last updated on 8 nov 2023 on 12:07.
Descriptions 2
A USB keyboard that gives you a better typing experience thats built to last. Feel-good typing
Your hands will enjoy the low-profile, whisper-quiet keys and standard layout with full-size F-keys and number pad. Rugged good looks
The slim keyboard isnt just sleek-its tough with a spill-resistant design, sturdy tilt legs and durable keys. Easy does it
You simply plug it into a USB port on your desktop, laptop or netbook computer and start using it right away.
Brand Name: Logitech
Keyboard/Keypad Connectivity Technology: Wired
Keyboard/Keypad Host Interface: USB
Keyboard/Keypad Wireless Technology: Not Applicable
Localization: English (US)
Product Type: Keyboard
Logitech Toetsenbord - k120, zwart, US indeling, zakelijk, oem
Price and/or Specifications subject to change - Prices are including VAT
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KB Computer Services does not accept any responsibility for incorrect and/or incomplete information provided.