The product “Logitech Desktop - mk220, zwart, draadloos 2,4ghz, usb” with vpn “920-003161” and model number “mk220” from the category “Desktop (keyboard + mice)” and from the brand “Logitech” comes with 24 months warranty and is “not in stock” by KB Computer Services.
The price for a “Logitech Desktop - mk220, zwart, draadloos 2,4ghz, usb” is € 28,95 incl. Sales Tax (€ 23,93 excl. Sales Tax).
Some additional charges could apply for shipping this product.
The order code for a “Logitech Desktop - mk220, zwart, draadloos 2,4ghz, usb” is “#8188” . This product is added on 28 november 2012 on 17:16 and last updated on 15 nov 2023 on 10:21.
Descriptions 2
Logitech MK220 Keyboard & Mouse - USB Wireless RF Keyboard - Black - USB Wireless RF Mouse - Scroll Wheel - Black
van Logitech
Categorie: Input Devices
Subcategorie: Keyboards & Keypads
Product Type: Keyboard/Mouse Combos
The compact keyboard-and-mouse combo with all the right keys. Super space saver This clever little keyboard has all the standard keys-so you can save lots of space without missing a thing. Free to roam The reliable wireless connection lets you work or play up to 10 meters (33 feet) away with virtually no delays or dropouts. Good life You can go for months without battery hassles-24 months for the keyboard and 5 months for the mouse.
Brand Name: Logitech
Keyboard/Keypad Color: Black
Keyboard/Keypad Connectivity Technology: Wireless
Keyboard/Keypad Host Interface: USB
Keyboard/Keypad Wireless Technology: RF
Pointing Device Color: Black
Pointing Device Connectivity Technology: Wireless
Pointing Device Host Interface: USB
Pointing Device Wireless Technology: RF
Product Type: Keyboard & Mouse
Logitech Desktop - mk220, zwart, draadloos 2,4ghz, usb
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