The product “TP-Link Wireless Repeater - 300n + UTP aansluiting” with vpn “tl-wa850re” from the category “WiFi 300n - Range Extenders” and from the brand “TP-Link” comes with 12 months warranty and is “not in stock” by KB Computer Services.
The price for a “TP-Link Wireless Repeater - 300n + UTP aansluiting” is € 23,95 incl. Sales Tax (€ 19,79 excl. Sales Tax).
Some additional charges could apply for shipping this product.
The order code for a “TP-Link Wireless Repeater - 300n + UTP aansluiting” is “#8702” . This product is added on 30 september 2014 on 16:55 and last updated on 22 may 2024 on 10:37.
Descriptions 2
TP-LINK TL-WA850RE IEEE 802.11n 300 Mbps Wireless Range Extender - ISM Band - 2 x Antenna(s) - 1 x Network (RJ-45)
van Tp-Link
Categorie: Networking
Subcategorie: Wireless Networking
Product Type: Wireless Routers & Gateways
What This Product DoesTP-LINK's TL-WA850RE is designed to conveniently extend the coverage and improve the signal strength of an existing wireless network to eliminate "dead zones". With 300Mbps wireless N speeds, Range Extender button, miniature size and wall mounting design, extending a wireless network has never been easier. What's more, its Ethernet port allows the TL-WA850RE to act as a wireless adapter to turn a wired device into a wireless one.
10Gigabit Ethernet Port: No
Brand Name: TP-LINK
Ethernet Port: Yes
Fast Ethernet Port: Yes
Form Factor: Wall Mountable
Gigabit Ethernet Port: No
Gigabit Ethernet Port: No
Product Type: Wireless Range Extender
Wi-Fi Standard: IEEE 802.11n
Wireless LAN Standard: IEEE 802.11n
Wireless Transmission Speed: 300 Mbps
TP-Link Wireless Repeater - 300n + UTP aansluiting
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