The product “Logitech Optical muis - m185, swift grey, draadloos” with vpn “910-002235” from the category “Mice - Wireless” and from the brand “Logitech” comes with 24 months warranty and is “not in stock” by KB Computer Services.
The price for a “Logitech Optical muis - m185, swift grey, draadloos” is € 15,95 incl. Sales Tax (€ 13,18 excl. Sales Tax).
Some additional charges could apply for shipping this product.
The order code for a “Logitech Optical muis - m185, swift grey, draadloos” is “#7838” . This product is added on 15 september 2011 on 13:58 and last updated on 23 sept 2024 on 17:24.
Descriptions 2
LOGITECH Wireless Mouse M185 Swift Grey
A simple, reliable mouse with wireless. Reliable wireless No delays or dropouts. The tiny wireless receiver gives you a connection you can count on. All-year power pack With 12 months of battery life, you don't have to deal with the hassle of frequent battery changes.
Brand Name: Logitech
Colour: Black
Colour: Grey
Movement Detection: Optical
Pointing Device Connectivity Technology: Wireless
Pointing Device Host Interface: USB
Pointing Device Wireless Technology: Radio Frequency
Product Type: Mouse
Logitech Optical muis - m185, swift grey, draadloos
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